• July 26, 2023
  • By Madee Pfeiffer

E cuniculi

What is E cuniculi in rabbits?
Encephalitozoon cuniculi, abbreviated to E. cuniculi, is a protozoan commonly found in rabbits. A protozoa is very small, only slightly larger than a bacterium. In order to survive, it needs a host, a rabbit. Outside the rabbit, the protozoa can only survive in the form of a spore. Not all rabbits exposed to E. cuniculi will become ill. Rabbits are often infected earlier in life, but only become ill after a period of stress.

How did my rabbit get it?
Infected rabbits shed E. cuniculi in the urine. This can contaminate the bedding, the feed, the drinking water or the bowl. If not cleaned properly, the spores will be left behind and can infect another rabbit. This mode of transmission occurs mainly in places where many rabbits live apart. So think of breeders or very large pet shops, for example. But even if you have more than one rabbit yourself, but they live separately, you can transmit E. cuniculi in this way.

In rabbits that are kept as a hobby, the transmission occurs much more frequently through the mother. The young rabbit becomes infected during pregnancy. They usually don't get sick until later in life, often after a moment of stress, although this may not always be the case. Stress can be, for example, an operation, a move or experiencing another illness.

What are the symptoms of Ecuniculi?
E. cuniculi can cause problems in several places in the body. So the symptoms depend on the location of the E. cuniculi.

Is it in the nervous system?

  • crooked head,

  • muscle tremors,

  • difficulty walking

  • or drift

  • and sometimes paralysis.

When it's in the kidney, it's mostly seen in rabbits

  • have to urinate a lot

  • or becoming incontinent

When E. cuniculi is in the eye, one can see white dots, thickening of the eye, or discoloration. If you have problems with your rabbit's eye, always contact your veterinarian!

What can I do?
If you suspect your rabbit might have E. cuniculi, it's a good idea to see your veterinarian. He can confirm your suspicions (or not) and then give you the right medication. These are medications that should last about a month. If your rabbit isn't alone, consider treating his hutch mate as well. If E. cuniculi is also in the eye, you will receive separate medicines for this.

It is often necessary to treat oneself before an anticipated stressful moment (e.g. the annual vaccination) and for seven days after the stressful moment to prevent the infection from reoccurring.

Can I prevent my rabbit from getting sick?
As already mentioned, many rabbits are already infected at the time of pregnancy. So you can't avoid it completely. You can pay special attention to stressful moments, even if you can never avoid them entirely.

Will my rabbit get better?
Unfortunately, veterinarians regularly find that not all symptoms can be reversed. Some rabbits make a full recovery without you noticing. It seems that animals with nervous system problems (E. cuniculi) recover better than animals with kidney problems.

Can I get sick myself? (E. cuniculi in humans)
It is sometimes said that E. cuniculi can occur in humans and cause infection. Fortunately, healthy people are not susceptible to the disease. Infection has only been demonstrated in people with reduced resistance, such as those with AIDS or an organ transplant.

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