• July 26, 2023
  • By Madee Pfeiffer

Bladder infection

If a dog is passing very small amounts of urine more frequently than usual, the likely cause is a bladder infection. When this happens, the bladder wall is inflamed and becomes very tender. The irritation causes the bladder wall to contract so that the dog can no longer hold back its urine. Blood is often found in the urine.

What are the causes of cystitis?

Bladder infections are common in dogs. The most common cause is a bacterial infection. Bladder infections can also be caused by one or more bladder stones.

Some other causes are:

  • Bladder stones, struvite, calcium oxalate.

  • obstruction of the urethra.

  • Rare: kidney problems, blood poisoning and shock.

What are the symptoms of a bladder infection?
  • Messy

  • Frequent urination, in small amounts

  • blood in the urine

  • pressure in the urine

  • pain when urinating

  • General sickly appearance

  • Listless or sleepy.

How is it diagnosed?
A veterinarian can often diagnose bladder infection quickly because the symptoms are quite obvious. However, it is important to find the underlying cause and rule out other problems.

At the beginning there is a conversation between the owner and the veterinarian. The main question is about the type of urination. During this survey, the abdomen can also be palpated, with particular attention being paid to the bladder and kidneys.

A urine sample is then taken. The urine sample is swabbed and the sediment is examined under a microscope. A search is then made for possible abnormalities that fit the diagnosis of cystitis. This urine test often determines the number of leukocytes (white blood cells). If there are a lot of leukocytes in the urine, it means that there is inflammation somewhere in the body.

Follow-up tests are often required as well. This follow-up exam may include a urine culture after a bladder puncture, an X-ray, or an ultrasound scan. In this way it can be determined which antibiotic can be used. An X-ray or ultrasound scan can also identify other causes, such as B. Bladder stones, uncover.

What's the prognosis?
The prospects are generally good. The inflammation can be treated with antibiotics from the vet.

However, it is important to know how to rule out the underlying causes (bladder tumors and bladder stones) and treat them if necessary. It is also important to fight the infection properly. Here it is important that you fight the infection in time, as it can potentially damage the kidneys.

How is cystitis treated?
Treatment depends on the cause. If the infection is bacterial, it is treated with antibiotic therapy and painkillers. It is very important that this antibiotic treatment is fully completed. The culture is used to determine the type of antibiotics to use. The inflammation can lead to a change in the acidity of the urine. This can lead to the formation of bladder stones. Treatment is to control the inflammation with a course of antibiotics and possibly a bladder stone diet.

Sometimes the bladder stones are surgically removed. However, some bladder stones can also be easily eliminated with an appropriate diet. Benign polyps are also often surgically removed.

When should you go to the vet?
A bladder infection is very annoying for the animal. It is also a nuisance to owners as the animal becomes housebroken. A pet can become very ill from a bladder infection, so it's important to do something about it as soon as possible. As soon as symptoms of cystitis appear, it is therefore advisable to consult a veterinarian. In dogs, problems with urination appear first, followed by inflammation. In cats, inflammation often occurs first, followed by problems with urination. This is also why cats suffer from bladder stones and blockages more often than dogs.

How to prevent bladder infections in dogs?
First of all, it is important to avoid the possible causes of a bladder infection. Remember to keep the dog hydrated and avoid peeing on wet/cold surfaces. This is particularly important for bitches, as they hang lower to the ground when urinating. So a dog can get a bladder infection if it urinates in the snow. That's why you shouldn't leave a dog lying in the snow or on the cold grass.

Natural remedies can be used to treat bladder infections. The cranberry, a very acidic berry, is often chosen. Acidification creates an environment that prevents the growth of unwanted organisms. The cranberry can be administered over food. Once the bladder infection has resolved, the product can be administered to support maintenance.

You can also give the dog vitamin C. Vitamin C is excreted by the kidneys and causes urine to become acidic. In an acidic environment, the bacteria die, preventing cystitis.

In addition, diet food can help prevent the risk of bladder stones or bladder infections.

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