• July 26, 2023
  • By Madee Pfeiffer

Anal glands

Anal glands are glands in which a liquid with a certain smell is stored. With this liquid, the dog or cat can mark its territory and communicate with other animals. The anal glands are located on the left and right just below the anus. The anal glands can be emptied through a small connection to the anus. This normally happens with the stools, but sometimes it can happen that these are not emptied.

What causes anal gland problems in dogs?
Problems with the anal glands can have various causes, such as:

Diet change: Today's diet consists of components whose stool hardness is too low. As a result, the anal glands do not empty during defecation. Anal glands become overcrowded and may become inflamed as the pressure cannot be relieved.

  • Chronic intestinal problems.

  • Worm infestation.

What are the symptoms of anal gland problems?
When the anal glands are overfilled, it causes itching in the dog. He can then prevent the dog from rubbing the ground with his buttocks, we also speak of a sled. It can also happen that dogs bite and lick around the tail and the anus.

In addition, the area around the anus is painful and sensitive for the dog. In case of infection of the broken anal gland, an open wound is created under the anus.

When should I go to the vet?
When a dog has pain in their anal glands, they may end up emptying with the stool. Often the symptoms go away. If the symptoms persist for a few days, it is wise to go to the vet. Even if the problems occur more often, you can make an appointment with the veterinarian to have the glands flushed.

How is the diagnosis made?
A diagnosis is established on the basis of an interview between the veterinarian and the owner. Normally, an anal gland is the size of a pea and is difficult to feel. However, an overfilled anal gland can be felt under the skin.

Usually the anal glands are squeezed, and the animal will not be bothered by them in the near future. The veterinarian can explain to the owner how to do it himself.

How is the treatment?
With a chronically overfull anal gland, the anal gland is squeezed empty and rinsed with a solution of hibiscrub. If this does not work, a topical ointment with antibiotics is given. In the worst case, the anal glands are surgically removed to eliminate the problem. However, there are some risks associated with this operation. When the sphincter is damaged during surgery, it can prevent the dog from holding stool.

In addition to treating it, it is important to find the cause of the overfill to avoid this problem next time.

How to prevent anal gland problems in dogs?
One dog is more predisposed to it than the other, so it is difficult to prevent this problem. Due to diet change, this has become a growing problem over the years. It is important that the dog receives food rich in fiber. Due to the presence of fiber in the diet, the stools become harder and the liquid is more easily absorbed during defecation.

Preventively squeezing the anal sacs yourself is not recommended. The compression can stimulate the production of secretions from the anal gland, which can cause irritation and inflammation of the anal sac.

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