's Horse Thiedemann Reins Black42,79// products except giftcards460478873899Auxiliary Reins454608421163Harry's Horse462577467691Harry's Horse Collections460478710059Horses460484903211Reins and Auxiliary Reins468173619499Shipped within 2 to 5 business days460486672683Thiedemann ReinsThe "Thiedemann" rein is a combination of running reins and martingale to be used in the daily schooling of the horse. This training device offers maximum control with the least amount of pressure.49,95Harry's HorseBrand:Harry's Horsecollection:Hulpteugelscollection:Paardencollection:Teugels en Hulpteugelscollection:Thiedemann Teugels//,7949,95//,7949,95//,7949,95//
The "Thiedemann" rein is a combination of running reins and martingale to be used in the daily schooling of the horse. This training device offers maximum control with the least amount of pressure.