ÈME Start Number 3 Numbers with Velcro3,79// products except giftcards460489425195Competition460489490731Competition Accessoires454631227691EQUITHÈME460484935979Rider468173619499Shipped within 2 to 5 business daysA white rectangular P.V.C. base with 3 clear compartments featuring digits from 0 to 9. The self-gripping base is to be sewn onto the back area of your saddle pad, to make the badge removable when the pad is being washed. Single unit.EQUITHÈMEBrand:EQUITHÈMEcollection:Ruitercollection:Startnummerscollection:Wedstrijdcollection:Wedstrijd Accessoiresadd-to-cart46095891824939One Size3,793,79// Size
A white rectangular P.V.C. base with 3 clear compartments featuring digits from 0 to 9. The self-gripping base is to be sewn onto the back area of your saddle pad, to make the badge removable when the pad is being washed. Single unit.