ÈME Fastening Cord59,90// Jackets495680487723All products except giftcards454631227691EQUITHÈME460484935979Rider460490670379Safety468173619499Shipped within 2 to 5 business daysIndispensable to the proper functioning of the EQUITHÈME 'Air' vest item No. 991 600 and 991. Secures to the saddle's lanyard attachment with its clip.EQUITHÈMEBrand:EQUITHÈMEcollection:Air Jacketscollection:Ruitercollection:Veiligheid49470551589163Junior59,9059,90//,9059,90//
Indispensable to the proper functioning of the EQUITHÈME 'Air' vest item No. 991 600 and 991. Secures to the saddle's lanyard attachment with its clip.